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The Average Score for this category is: 4.13
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United States
Mbuna setup lots of rock, 250lbs. I have 8 assorted malawiis right now along with a pleco and senegal bichir. I hope to add more in the future. Using a Fluval 405 canister and an inline 300W heater. Also a dual hood with 1 5500k 48in light and an actinic 48in, both 32 watts. Just put 2 moonlights in and have the whole system on a day/night lighting timer.
Use some sort of epoxy with extensive rock work, especially in an all glass tank.
Fish Kept:
They just said assorted malawii so i dont know the exact genus. Also a senegal bichir and a marble high fin pleco.
2 anubias one is doin alright one is dug up constantly, i need to put more sand on it but they sure like to pick on that one.
Tank Size:
55 gallons
If you ever drop your keys into a pit of molten lava just let em go cus man, there gone.