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This picture looks better than 43.07% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 4.79
This picture has been rated : 38 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 2.47
More Info
United States
Tank dimension is 48x18x28. Has a Corallife light, wet/dry filter, big protein skimmer, and small chiller.
Go as big as possible.
Fish Kept:
1 Humu Picasso Triggerfish, 1 Annularis Angel, 1 Panther Grouper, 1 Tassle Filefish, 1 Foxface, 1 Snowflake Eel
A lot of artificial corals and rock.
Tank Size:
110 gallons
Life is like a box of chocolates.
About Yourself:
I have always had a lot of pets including snakes, sugar gliders, horses, etc., but I never had a saltwater tank. Then I got this tank for Christmas which began the addiction to the hobby. I now have 3 tanks which together have 9 fish and a huge crab. I am hoping to upgrade to at least a 300 gallon to get some sharks and stingrays.