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United Kingdom
180 litre juwel I bought for 60 at the start of lockdown and my first ever tank. Mostly barbs (tigers, green tigers, golden, ruby, Odessa) a pair of dwarf gourami, Serpea, silver tip and black phantom tetra, two cuckoo plecs, a bristle nose and a couple of mollies. Planted mostly with Vallis and a few nerite snails in there to add some variety and work on the algae. I`m running two pumps a large external dies most of the work and a much smaller hangover adds some air and movement.
Test the water frequently for nitrite mostly and don`t be scared to try different plants, if something doesn`t grow well don`t buy it again and find plants that do. A decent growing substrate and plant food that is safe for fish will get your plants off to a good start and remember plants are working for you by adding oxygen and absorbing waste meaning you reduce the work you have to do as well as have a more natural tank to enjoy
Tank Size:
40 gallons