Photo #1 - This Is My Regal Peacock Cichlid "aulonocara...

freshwater fish - aulonocara baenschi - regal peacock cichlid stocking in 200 gallons tank - This is my Regal Peacock Cichlid "Aulonocara hansbaenschi" who is about a year old now and looks great. One of my Fav's
freshwater fish - aulonocara jacobfreibergi - eureka red stocking in 200 gallons tank - This is my F1 Eurka Peacock Cichlid "Aulonocara jacobfreibergi" who is 9months old. Love the long fins and the Surf.
200 gallons freshwater fish tank (mostly fish and non-living decorations) - SeaOfTitans LakeMalawi Haps Peacocks Mbunas Haps 3-:Electric Blue Ahli: (M)-Haplochromis Sciaenochromis fryeri (Maleri Is.) (F)-Sciaenochromis fryeri (Chewere) (M/o)-Sciaenochromis fryeri (Likoma Is.) 2-:Fusco: (?/?)Nimbochromis fuscotaeniatus Peacocks 1-:Regal Peacock: (M)-Aulonocara hansbaenschi 1-:SunShine Peacock: (M)-Gold Peacock Hybrid 1-:Wild: (M)-Aulonocara brevindus 1-:Eureka:(M)-Aulonocara jacobfreibergi "Eureka" 2-:Red Empress: (M)-Protomelas taeniolatus (Namalenje Is.) (F)-Protomelas taeniolatus (Namalenje Is.) 2-:(F):Aulonocara jacobfreibergi "Otter Point" 1-YellowJacket: (?)Aulonocara baenschi 2:RedPeacock: (M)-Aulonocara (Rubescens) (F)-Aulonocara (Rubescens) Mbuna's 3-:Red Top's: (M/os)-Metriaclima pyrsonotos (M/rs)--Metriaclima pyrsonotos (F/rs)--Metriaclima pyrsonotos 1-:AlbinoRTZ: -(F/a)Metriaclima greshakei (Albino) 1-: (M/ys)-Metriaclima greshakei 1-:(M)-Pseudotropheus sp. "Elongatus Ndumbi" 1-:(M)-Pseudotropheus socolofi 3-:(M/M/F):Melanochromis cyaneorhabdos 4-:RedZebra: (F)-Pseudotropheus estherae (M)-Pseudotropheus estherae (?)-Pseudotropheus estherae (?)-Pseudotropheus estherae 1-:AlbinoRedZebra: (?)Pseudotropheus estherae 1-:(?):Metriaclima sp. "Blue Reef" 1-OB KakiColors:(?)Metriaclima callainos (OB) 1-:(?):YellowPetrotilapia sp. "mumbo yellow" 1-:(?): Pseudotropheus sp. "ElongatusYellowtail" 35Total Frys Aulonocara Jacobreibergi X Aulonocara Hansbaenshi Metriaclima Pyrsonotos X Metriaclima Pyrsonotos Metriaclima Pyrsonotos X Metriaclima Greshakei Metriaclima Greshakei "Albino" X Metriaclima Pyrsonotos Pseudotropheus estherae X Metriaclima Pyrsonotos Pseudotropheus estherae X Pseudotropheus estherae Sciaenochromis Fryeri(Chewere) X Sciaenochromis Fryeri(Likomals)
This is my Regal Peacock Cichlid "Aulonocara hansbaenschi" who is about a year old now and looks great. One of my Fav's
Submitted By: Rj Heredia on
Photo Caption: This is my Regal Peacock Cichlid "Aulonocara hansbaenschi" who is about a year old now and looks great. One of my Fav's

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freshwater fish - aulonocara baenschi - regal peacock cichlid stocking in 200 gallons tank - This is my Regal Peacock Cichlid "Aulonocara hansbaenschi" who is about a year old now and looks great. One of my Fav's
freshwater fish - aulonocara jacobfreibergi - eureka red stocking in 200 gallons tank - This is my F1 Eurka Peacock Cichlid "Aulonocara jacobfreibergi" who is 9months old. Love the long fins and the Surf.
200 gallons freshwater fish tank (mostly fish and non-living decorations) - SeaOfTitans LakeMalawi Haps Peacocks Mbunas Haps 3-:Electric Blue Ahli: (M)-Haplochromis Sciaenochromis fryeri (Maleri Is.) (F)-Sciaenochromis fryeri (Chewere) (M/o)-Sciaenochromis fryeri (Likoma Is.) 2-:Fusco: (?/?)Nimbochromis fuscotaeniatus Peacocks 1-:Regal Peacock: (M)-Aulonocara hansbaenschi 1-:SunShine Peacock: (M)-Gold Peacock Hybrid 1-:Wild: (M)-Aulonocara brevindus 1-:Eureka:(M)-Aulonocara jacobfreibergi "Eureka" 2-:Red Empress: (M)-Protomelas taeniolatus (Namalenje Is.) (F)-Protomelas taeniolatus (Namalenje Is.) 2-:(F):Aulonocara jacobfreibergi "Otter Point" 1-YellowJacket: (?)Aulonocara baenschi 2:RedPeacock: (M)-Aulonocara (Rubescens) (F)-Aulonocara (Rubescens) Mbuna's 3-:Red Top's: (M/os)-Metriaclima pyrsonotos (M/rs)--Metriaclima pyrsonotos (F/rs)--Metriaclima pyrsonotos 1-:AlbinoRTZ: -(F/a)Metriaclima greshakei (Albino) 1-: (M/ys)-Metriaclima greshakei 1-:(M)-Pseudotropheus sp. "Elongatus Ndumbi" 1-:(M)-Pseudotropheus socolofi 3-:(M/M/F):Melanochromis cyaneorhabdos 4-:RedZebra: (F)-Pseudotropheus estherae (M)-Pseudotropheus estherae (?)-Pseudotropheus estherae (?)-Pseudotropheus estherae 1-:AlbinoRedZebra: (?)Pseudotropheus estherae 1-:(?):Metriaclima sp. "Blue Reef" 1-OB KakiColors:(?)Metriaclima callainos (OB) 1-:(?):YellowPetrotilapia sp. "mumbo yellow" 1-:(?): Pseudotropheus sp. "ElongatusYellowtail" 35Total Frys Aulonocara Jacobreibergi X Aulonocara Hansbaenshi Metriaclima Pyrsonotos X Metriaclima Pyrsonotos Metriaclima Pyrsonotos X Metriaclima Greshakei Metriaclima Greshakei "Albino" X Metriaclima Pyrsonotos Pseudotropheus estherae X Metriaclima Pyrsonotos Pseudotropheus estherae X Pseudotropheus estherae Sciaenochromis Fryeri(Chewere) X Sciaenochromis Fryeri(Likomals)

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More Info

State: New Jersey
Country: United States
Description: Named The Sea Of Titans Its a fully Custom 200gallon AGA. Full DIY Designed and built by self. Tank is all galss 76X25X25 with Two self designed OverFlows offering a prefilter screen gard and a monted chamber with Large-Bio media. Stand is also custom designed and built buy self introducting a center 10gallon tank used for feeders but since has been converted into a Fry/Small planted tank.The center tank is mounted on a fully extendable 18" track allowing full access when center door is poped opened. Filteration System is currently 2 Cascade1500 (400gph each) a TerraTec Pro II 500 ( 500gph) along with a custom design and built by self:12Watt UV Filter in line with canister on out flow. Spray wands feature jets for current and the ProII has a custom modified wet/dry syphon effect that adds a nice visual and sound effect.Since I use no cemicals I have a large and strong BIO/ECO Filteration effect with in the tank itself and threw out the Aqauticsacpe. AquaticScape is of Penga Rock, Loca Drift Woodwith all live plants and Reef sand toped with med gravel. Lighting system is Four 48T12 20K Daytime,5 2.5"75W Halo Projectors 42 total LED Ice blue for moon lighting- the lighting features a stage 5 timer giving 3hr Blue 10HrDay 3hrBlue and then moon light till next morning. Also a PowerPak is used incase of power failure- this will run the tank for 18hrs alone. Currently More Plants on the way-but intill then its;Javafern and Nana's. My baby trees are also located in the overflows and are doing extreamly well "Mangroves". Fish:All Malawi; Harps, Peacocks and Mbuna cichlids. A few are store bought but most are hard to find to rares and a couple wilds (F0)
Advice: Take your time, the tank will take its. So no need to rush-the more thought out the better the result for your self and you Aquatic Life. Also watch and learn as much as you can, dont be afread to ask. Also dare to be different-try to do as much as you can yourself you get close to the hobby and you set a pace.
Fish Kept: I have had a great pleasure to keep so many of both Freshwater and Saltwater SOT Stock List Haps 3-:Electric Blue Ahli: (M)-Haplochromis Sciaenochromis fryeri (Maleri Is.) (F)-Sciaenochromis fryeri (Chewere) (M/o)-Sciaenochromis fryeri (Likoma Is.) 2-:Fusco: (?/?)Nimbochromis fuscotaeniatus Peacocks 1-:Regal Peacock: (M)-Aulonocara hansbaenschi 1-:SunShine Peacock: (M)-Gold Peacock Hybrid 1-:Wild: (M)-Aulonocara brevindus 1-:Eureka:(M)-Aulonocara jacobfreibergi "Eureka" 2-:Red Empress: (M)-Protomelas taeniolatus (Namalenje Is.) (F)-Protomelas taeniolatus (Namalenje Is.) 2-:(F):Aulonocara jacobfreibergi "Otter Point" 1-YellowJacket: (?)Aulonocara baenschi 2:RedPeacock: (M)-Aulonocara (Rubescens) (F)-Aulonocara (Rubescens) Mbuna’s 3-:Red Top‘s: (M/os)-Metriaclima pyrsonotos (M/rs)--Metriaclima pyrsonotos (F/rs)--Metriaclima pyrsonotos 1-:AlbinoRTZ: -(F/a)Metriaclima greshakei (Albino) 1-: (M/ys)-Metriaclima greshakei 1-:(M)-Pseudotropheus sp. "Elongatus Ndumbi" 1-:(M)-Pseudotropheus socolofi 3-:(M/M/F):Melanochromis cyaneorhabdos 4-:RedZebra: (F)-Pseudotropheus estherae (M)-Pseudotropheus estherae (?)-Pseudotropheus estherae (?)-Pseudotropheus estherae 1-:AlbinoRedZebra: (?)Pseudotropheus estherae 1-:(?):Metriaclima sp. "Blue Reef" 1-OB KakiColors:(?)Metriaclima callainos (OB) 1-:(?):YellowPetrotilapia sp. "mumbo yellow" 1-:(?): Pseudotropheus sp. "ElongatusYellowtail" 35Total Frys Aulonocara Jacobreibergi X Aulonocara Hansbaenshi Metriaclima Pyrsonotos X Metriaclima Pyrsonotos Metriaclima Pyrsonotos X Metriaclima Greshakei Metriaclima Greshakei "Albino" X Metriaclima Pyrsonotos Pseudotropheus estherae X Metriaclima Pyrsonotos Pseudotropheus estherae X Pseudotropheus estherae Sciaenochromis Fryeri(Chewere) X Sciaenochromis Fryeri(Likomals)
Corals/Plants: Also have had both aqautic plants and soft coral
Tank Size: 200 gallons
Quote: 2Marrow always comes a Day 2Late
About Yourself: Professional Fabricator by trade who has been designing and building custom aquariums for the past 3 years.


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