Photo #1 - A 2' 20 Gallon "paludarium" Type T...

Submitted By: Paul on
Photo Caption: A 2' 20 Gallon "Paludarium" type tank with DIY rock background, made from styrofoam and concrete. Home to 3 juvenile African/Atlantic Mudskippers and 5 Dalmation Mollies. Includes: Powerhead driven waterfall DIY CO2 DIY Plywood canopy 2 x 14W CF

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30 gallons planted tank (mostly live plants and fish) - A 2' 20 Gallon "Paludarium" type tank with DIY rock background, made from styrofoam and concrete. Home to 3 juvenile African/Atlantic Mudskippers and 5 Dalmation Mollies. Includes: Powerhead driven waterfall DIY CO2 DIY Plywood canopy 2 x 14W CF
30 gallons planted tank (mostly live plants and fish) - My Malawi Rock Aquarium 4 Kenyi, 4 Yellow Labs, 4 Red Zebras and an upside down cat named "Schlurpie" DIY Styrofoam and Concrete background hides the heater and dual filters
fish tank picture - Night time lighting
30 gallons planted tank (mostly live plants and fish) - Welcome to Mollyville. 20 Gallon planted. 1 pair Swordtails 1 Green Swordtail 1 Male & 6 Female Dalmation Mollies + plenty fry 1 pair of Bristlenose Plecos
30 gallons planted tank (mostly live plants and fish) - Welcome to Guppyville. 20 Gallon planted. 10 Female & 8 Male varied Guppies 2 Female & 1 Male Platy 4 Neon & 2 Glowlight Tetras 1 pair of Bristlenose Plecos 1 CAE
30 gallons planted tank (mostly live plants and fish) - Ozzy & Harriet's Jungle Home. 30 gallon heavily planted. Current Population: 2 Pearl Gouramis 5 Whitecloud Minnows 5 Peppered Corys 2 Bronze Corys 3 Kuhli Loaches 1 Upside down cat 2 Common Plecos (temporary home) 1 CAE 2 SAE

Rank Info

Ranked #1388 out of 2712 planted tanks pictures worldwide
This picture looks better than 48.82% of pictures in this category
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The Average Score for this picture is: 4.78
This picture has been rated : 135 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 5.76

More Info

Country: South Africa
Description: DIY CO2 with 60W of CF lighting, 20W Arctinic & DIY LED Moonlights, 2x Bio Sponge Filter
Advice: Do your homework! Never buy on impulse and never trust the info given to you by the salesman - always cross check!
Fish Kept: Pearl Gouramis, Whitecloud Minnows, Guppies, Mollys, Platys, Kuhli Loaches, YoYo Loaches, Plecos, Upside down cat, CAE, SAE, Bumblebee Gobies, Green Spotted Puffers, Figure 8 Puffers, Bettas, Atlantic Mudskippers, Yellow Labs, Red Zebras, Auratus, Kenyi, Rock Kribensis
Corals/Plants: Amazon Swords, Sagitaria, Anubia, Java Moss, Java Fern, Moneywort
Tank Size: 30 gallons
Quote: Fish r frendz not food!
About Yourself: Wife got me started about a year ago with a tiny little guppy tank... I developed MTS (Multiple Tank Syndrome) and now have 15 of them! lol


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