Photo #1 - 1 Blue Grommie 4 Black Molly 2 Balloon Molly 2 Su...

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Photo Caption: 1 Blue Grommie 4 Black Molly 2 Balloon Molly 2 Sucker Mouth Catfish 5 Flame Tetra 5 Serpae Tetra 5 Neon Tetra 5 Striped Tetra 2 Red Eye Tetra I got all the rocks and only spent nine dollars. All the plants are fake but I'm going all real plant life very soon Lol yes those are Stainless Steel Brass Knuckles in my tank. Its a long story......
fish tank picture - 1 Blue Grommie 4 Black Molly 2 Balloon Molly 2 Sucker Mouth Catfish 5 Flame Tetra 5 Serpae Tetra 5 Neon Tetra 5 Striped Tetra 2 Red Eye Tetra I got all the rocks and only spent nine dollars. All the plants are fake but I'm going all real plant life very soon Lol yes those are Stainless Steel Brass Knuckles in my tank. Its a long story......
freshwater fish - trichogaster trichopterus - blue gourami stocking in 55 gallons tank - **One of my new additions to the tank--Blue Grommie
fish tank picture - ***One of my little guys new hiding spots
freshwater fish - hyphessobrycon callistus - red minor serpae tetra stocking in 55 gallons tank - My fish are Tough!
freshwater fish - poecilia latipinna - balloon molly stocking in 55 gallons tank - "Chunk" One of my Spotted Balloon Mollys
55 gallons freshwater fish tank (mostly fish and non-living decorations) - 1 Blue Grommie 4 Black Molly 2 Balloon Molly 2 Sucker Mouth Catfish 5 Flame Tetra 5 Serpae Tetra 5 Neon Tetra 5 Striped Tetra 2 Red Eye Tetra I got all the rocks and only spent nine dollars. All the plants are fake but I'm going all real plant life very soon Lol yes those are Stainless Steel Brass Knuckles in my tank. Its a long story......

More Info

State: Florida
Country: United States
Description: Tank- 12"x21"x48" Hood- 2 23" Hoods w/White Florescent Light Air Pump- Whisper 100 w/2 14" Bubble Stick Filter- Aqua Tech 30/60 3/4" Emerald Green Granite for the floor Rocky Mountain Creek Rocks and Chocolate Gray flat rock For the boulders
Advice: I'm Brand new to the hobby, but its quickly becoming an obsession of mine.
Fish Kept: Blue Grommie, Black Molly, Balloon Molly, Sucker Mouth Catfish, Flame Tetra, Serpae Tetra, Neon Tetra, Striped Tetra, Red Eye Tetra
Corals/Plants: <font color="red"> At the moment I'm using fake plant life. Eventually I want to go all real plant life.
Tank Size: 55 gallons
Quote: This is my Boom Stick! Bruce Campbell-Army of Darkness


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