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New Jersey
United States
120g tech tank sps,and rare green Nepthea ,ans some Sinularia ,400w Reeflux 10k ,2 250w Radium 20k on the sides ,3 Uri vho super actnics,1 actinic white vho Uri,2 fiji purple t5 ,Octo Extreme 250 skimmer,Geo 618 cal/reactor,mag 18 ,2 Ecotech Vortecs, #2 Hydor Koralia,and a #3 and a #4,150lbs Marco rock ,170lbs approx live sand ,Seachem reef salt the only salt I will ever use #1 in my book,I dose Mag,Iodine,Strontium,Potassium,only when needed which is very rare with this salt mix,Zeovite Amino acids ,and Zooplankton ,and lots of fish food I over feed my fish to keep my coral color where I like it .Some gfo in a reactor .
This tank is 5 months old ,all corals where grown in my old 46g bow and 72g bow .Ive been around fish tanks for over 18 years it takes time, most people cant understand how my tank looks the way it does after 5 months ,the pic of my tank is at 4 months ,Its a lot of hard work and prep time involved with setting up a reef tank there are no shortcuts , but all Marco rock was soaked in a vinager bath for 10 days then a muratic acid bath for 12 hours, then it was cured with some liverock in a rubbermaid bin ,also live sand was used and the Seachem reef salt was a big help no major algea outbreaks white sand and no algea on my rocks the only problem is Coralline Algae its all over everything I am not crazy about it but the more i scrape it the faster it grows ,
Fish Kept:
Sailfin Tang,Potters angel,Yellow Wrasse,Blue dot goby,3Blue/Green Reef Chromis,6 line wrasse, 2 Yellowtail Damselfish
$500 efflo ,rare blue tip efflo,purp slimmer,green slimmer ,red ,and a yellow porties,rare flat plating yellow green monti with thin stalks unknown.baby blue acro,palmers blue mille ,pink millie,chips acro,garf purple bonsai,tyree unknown purple acro,monti confusa,monti spongodes, Monti Vietnemsis,yellow tip blue polyps and light purple body acro,purp/red/green purp rim monti caps,real superman monti ,ultra rare dark green nepthea,green sinularia,blue table acro ,superman acro table red with blue tips.
Tank Size:
120 gallons
You can't polish a turd but it's sure fun trying