Photo #3 - This Is The Latest Picture Of My Reef Tank. It H...

Submitted By: amgonzalez on
Photo Caption: This is the latest picture of my reef tank. It has changed a bit as I removed or added live stock. More color then before.

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corals inverts - zoanthus sp. - eye of jupiter zoanthids stocking in 37 gallons tank - Rasta zoanthids or eagle zoo's.
fish tank picture - Here is a most recent photo of my 37g tall reef tank. 30LBS of crushed coral. A few frogpawns, orange zoos, Hairy mushrooms, and a few extra freebees I got grom a cool local guy. I have added a yellow tang and a fire angel. I got rid of two damsels. And am awaiting a 220watt MH. for better lighting.
37 gallons reef tank (mostly live coral and fish) - This is the latest picture of my reef tank. It has changed a bit as I removed or added live stock. More color then before.
fish tank picture - Here is another front view of my reef tank. All fish get along just fine.

Rank Info

Ranked #615 out of 1595 reef tanks pictures worldwide
This picture looks better than 61.44% of pictures in this category
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The Average Score for this picture is: 5.39
This picture has been rated : 336 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 4.91

More Info

State: California
Country: United States
Description: 37T gallon, 24"wX24"hX14"depth. Using a CPR, Model AFPSL, Protein skimmer. 24"wX14.5"hX4"depth. Lighting I am using a 175 MH 20K. And two 24 watt actinic blue pc. 65 lbs of live rock. 30 lbs of crushed coral. 4 LBS of live sand and 4 LBS of rumble LR in the back pack fuge with cheato to keep the nitates down.
Advice: It's a learning experience take it slow.
Fish Kept: 1 manderine 10 snails to help keep glass clean. 2 cleaner shrimp. 2 chromis
Corals/Plants: As for Corals I have:. 1 green Monit cap. 1 hammer wall. a dozen neon green cloves. 2 sun corals. 1 red with green enchino. A brown leather. 1 acan with 17 heads. Small frag of bahama mama zoo's colony of Rasta Eagle Eye's. 1 Hawaiian feather duster is now in the fuge. Blastomussa's 1 pink goni with orang mouths. 1 blue goni. 1 hot pink goni. 1 hammer branching coral. 3 differnt types of frogspawn, 1 green open brain, 2 small xenia piece and pom poms, Disappered 1 colony of GSP, 1 coco worm, A few pieces of growing Red Sponge here & there. 1 Firey Red Indo/ true Rose Anemone, 1 Green finger leather, 3 hairy mushrooms, Orange, Red, Green Zoos. RPE zoa started with 2 polyps now I have 6. Button polyps and a few other stuff I cant remember there names.
Tank Size: 37 gallons


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