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This picture looks better than 91.5% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 5.86
This picture has been rated : 64 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 7.13
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United States
2' deep, 4' long, and 2' high. 1 Filter and other needs like that.
have fun and be nice to fish.
Fish Kept:
2 African tiger fish, 2 arrowanas, 5 bichirs (multiple species), tire track eel, zig zag eel, 2 mudskippers, 2 synodontis catfish, motoro stingray, 2 sun catfish, blue sheatfish, queen botia, clown loach, 4 ghost catfish, 5 oscars, 12 assorted cichlids, rope fish, 2 betas, banjo catfish, yellow tail barracuda, 10+ assorted plecos, 2 blind cave fish, 2 needlefish, 2 payaras, black ghost knife, archer fish, 2 flounders, millions of guppies, 2 bamboo shrimp, millions of ghost shrimp, bala shark, rainbow shark, 3 dwarf puffers, dragon goby, 2 butterfly fish, and I bet there's more ... *phew*
lots of plants, lots of swords and grasses and crypts... favorite is Madagascar Lace.
Tank Size:
80 gallons
A fish runs into a wall and says, dam.