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More Info
United States
Fish: 5 goldfish
Filters: Aquaclear 110, Aquaclear 70, Rena Filstar xp3
Lighting: double compact flourescent strip light. Bought it used, don't know the exact specs. Doesn't fit the tank, but for the price it worked.
Also has a UV sterilizer
This tank is bare-bottom, with some sprinkled gravel and sand.
I sold this tank a couple months ago- cutting back in preparation for college.
RESEARCH! Make the Nitrogen Cycle an important part of this research, and don't skimp on the time it requires.
With goldfish, 10 gallons per fish is a good rule for those new to the hobby.
Fish Kept:
Over the years and in different tanks:
Tropical Freshwater: Platties, Swordtails, Neon Tetras, Corydoras, Clown Loach, Rosy Barbs, Chinese algea eater
Coldwater Freshwater: Goldfish (Commons, Orandas, Ryunkins, Lionheads, Comets, Fantails, Telescope Eyes, Pearlscales), Dojo loaches, Bristlenose pleco, White Cloud Mountain Minnows
Java Ferns and Moss (easy!)
Amazon Sword
...and others I can't remember
Tank Size:
55 gallons
"A question that sometimes drives me hazy: am I or are the others crazy?"- Albert Einstein
About Yourself:
I started when I was 12 after envying a tank at my library. I did the research and started with a ten gallon which ran successfully for a year until we moved. So far, it's been my healthiest tank, though I've gained so much more practical knowledge.