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The Average Score for this category is: 4.23
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United States
I have a standard 20g high tank from AGA. I put a custom overflow and drilled the bottom of the tank and have a 10g sump underneath with about 5-7 gallons of water. The tank is light by one 150w metal halide Phoenix 14000k bulb. My return pump is a GenX 2400 which pushes 635 gph. I also have a Hydor Koralia 1 and 2. I will be getting the Biocube 29 Recec skimmer and i also have a JBJ Auto Top Off with a 2.5g holding tank. 3 fans cool the enclosed canopy.
Do it right the first time, get good lighting, filtration, and circulation pumps.
Fish Kept:
Two False perc clowns, one firefish, and one Royal Gramma.
Cup Coral, GSP, Frogspawn, Clam, Zoas, green mushroo,s. rics, and a cabbage coral.
Tank Size:
20 gallons
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