More Info
United Kingdom
the tank is 36x12x12. it has 2 30w grolux tubes suspended from the ceiling. it has a fluval 2 plus filter with a small external filter and a 100w heater
Fish Kept:
2 siamise algae eaters 2 plecs and a few guppies.
java fern/moss, riccia, amazon sword anubias, tiger lotus, hygro philia polysperma, moss ball, money wort, bacopa monnieri,
Tank Size:
19 gallons
About Yourself:
hello my name is miles im 17 and live in the uk i am training to be an electrician at the mo. my main hobby is fish keeping but have recently got myself a gecko. it was after seeing my cousins tank that set me off. luckly enough i managed to get hold of an aquarium for free to see what the hobby was all about. after a short period of time i decided that it was the hobby for me and managet to convince me old man to buy me a bigger tant (113 gallon) stupidly i rushed into it and being a noob that i was i never put polystyrene under the tank and my room was then a swiming pool. all turned out all right in the end.