Photo #10 - My Aquarium11 - 1 Zebrasoma; 1 Caelmon Rostratus...

132 gallons saltwater fish tank (mostly fish, little/no live coral) - my aquarium11
corals inverts - protoreaster linckii - red knob sea star, african stocking in 132 gallons tank - my aquarium10
my aquarium11
Submitted By: alberto tomassini on
Photo Caption: my aquarium11
corals inverts - ophiothrix sp. - brittle sea star, fancy yellow stocking in 132 gallons tank - my aquarium20
corals inverts - ophiothrix sp. - brittle sea star, fancy yellow stocking in 132 gallons tank - my aquarium19
corals inverts - ophiothrix sp. - brittle sea star, fancy yellow stocking in 132 gallons tank - my aquarium18
corals inverts - actinodiscus sp. - green striped mushroom stocking in 132 gallons tank - my aquarium17
corals inverts - zoanthus sp. stocking in 132 gallons tank - my aquarium16
corals inverts - sarcophyton sp. - toadstool mushroom leather coral, green stocking in 132 gallons tank - my aquarium15
corals inverts - cladiella sp. - cauliflower colt coral stocking in 132 gallons tank - my aquarium14
corals inverts - cladiella sp. - cauliflower colt coral stocking in 132 gallons tank - my aquarium13
fish tank picture - my aquarium12
132 gallons saltwater fish tank (mostly fish, little/no live coral) - my aquarium11
corals inverts - protoreaster linckii - red knob sea star, african stocking in 132 gallons tank - my aquarium10
corals inverts - sarcophyton elegans - yellow fiji leather coral stocking in 132 gallons tank - my aquarium9
corals inverts - actinodiscus sp. - green striped mushroom stocking in 132 gallons tank - my aquarium8
corals inverts - diadema setosum - longspine urchin, black stocking in 132 gallons tank - my aquarium7
corals inverts - actinodiscus sp. - red mushroom stocking in 132 gallons tank - my aquarium6
corals inverts - zoanthus sp. stocking in 132 gallons tank - my aquarium5
corals inverts - echinothrix calamari - longspine urchin, banded stocking in 132 gallons tank - my aquarium4
corals inverts - sarcophyton sp. - toadstool mushroom leather coral stocking in 132 gallons tank - my aquarium3
corals inverts stocking in 132 gallons tank - my aquarium2
corals inverts - sarcophyton sp. - toadstool mushroom leather coral stocking in 132 gallons tank - my aquarium

Rank Info

Ranked #40 out of 575 saltwater fish tanks pictures worldwide
This picture looks better than 93.04% of pictures in this category
10 1
The Average Score for this picture is: 5.89
This picture has been rated : 167 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 3.33

More Info

Country: Italy
Description: l'acquario e' una vasca della LAC di 150 cm. illuminata da 2 plafoniere, una con 5 T5 di cui una attinica bleu l'altra con 2 hqi da 250 watt. nella sump alloggia un grande schiumatoio a doppia pompa e un reattore di calcio. la vasca e' in funzione da 2 anni.
Advice: tanto lavoro e tanta passione..dont give up if it seems to be hard..
Fish Kept: 1 zebrasoma; 1 caelmon rostratus; 1 damigella;1 pesce pagliaccio;
Corals/Plants: invertebrates
Tank Size: 132 gallons
Quote: "tanto lavoro e tanta passione"
About Yourself: the sea is my life...


nice tank fish avatar
W O W ! ! That's what I'm talking about!! Such an awesome set up mate! fish avatar
your tank is very nice compliment fish avatar
pretty nice u have 11 tanks ? WOW fish avatar


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