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This picture looks better than 98.09% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 6.32
This picture has been rated : 213 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 4.24
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United States
Innovative Marine NUVO Fusion,Innovative Marine ghost protein skimmer, Current USA 18" LED, Caribsea live sand, Real Reef brand live rock, synthetic polymer resin corals by Ocean Aquaria and rocknreefs
Read, research and plan. Be patient, don't over feed and always think like a fish. YouTube is a great source for info as well. There are some great artificial resin polymer corals out there. Ocean Aquaria and Rock n Reefs are 2 great suppliers
Fish Kept:
Blue/Green Reef Chromis, Lyretail Anthias
I lost my reef tank due to Hurricane Irma so now I am going with synthetic corals from now on
Tank Size:
20 gallons