Rank Info
This picture looks better than 78.75% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 5.87
This picture has been rated : 298 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 4.91
More Info
New York
United States
92 gallon corner tank kessil 250 ledx2, Hydor koralia 1150gphx3, 75 gallon diy sump running 2 tanks, Skimz Kone E 201 skimmer,BRS GFO carbon reactor, Aqua Medic 1000 kalk reactor, Eheim Jager TruTemp 250x2, Tunze Osmolator ato, BRS 2 part doser, Reefkeeper Lite Plus controller
Research everything spend smart and gooo sloooow
Fish Kept:
Lyretail Anthiasx2, Black and White Ocellaris Clownfishx2, Blue/Green Reef Chromisx7, Lawnmower Blenny, Six Line Wrasse, Black Cap Basslet
assorted softies and LPS ans zoos
Tank Size:
92 gallons
About Yourself:
Reef junkie looking to go bigger and better!