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United States
I have a 32x20x12 35 gallon fish tank. I have two potted plants that are growing healthily. I also have some rock to provide caves and cover for my cichlids. I'm using a whisper 4.0 along with a weak air pump.
Start small to get your feet wet. Aim big because it's possible, not just financially but being able to keep your fish alive.
Fish Kept:
3 African Cichlids.
1 Johanni Cichlid.
4 Ghost Glass Catfish.
2 Pictus Catfish
1 Banjo Catfish.
2 Gold Inca Snails
1 Black Mystery Snail.
1 Black Cave Tetra.
3-4 Uneaten feeder fish.
I have two: one has leaves like a coniferous tree. the other has leaves like miniature pond lily pads, without the whole float on top of the water property.
Tank Size:
35 gallons
Bodies are for hookers and fat people.