Photo #2 - This Tank Has Been Filled Using Hand Crafted Piec...

This tank has been filled using hand crafted pieces of pottery which are hollow and provide ample hiding places for the occupants. The lighting is achieved using seventeen super bright white L.E.D.'s mounted into a custom lid. The tataouine-esque feel to the tank has led to the introduction of several star wars characters. An interesting concept, the fish seem to ...
Submitted By: Chris Holgate on
Photo Caption: This tank has been filled using hand crafted pieces of pottery which are hollow and provide ample hiding places for the occupants. The lighting is achieved using seventeen super bright white L.E.D.'s mounted into a custom lid. The tataouine-esque feel to the tank has led to the introduction of several star wars characters. An interesting concept, the fish seem to love chewbacca!

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freshwater fish - peckoltia vittata - gold banded peckoltia pleco (l-134) stocking in 45 gallons tank - Blob is a clown plecostomus. He is very photo shy and loves to dig holes in the sand. He's currently about two inches long.
45 gallons freshwater fish tank (mostly fish and non-living decorations) - This tank has been filled using hand crafted pieces of pottery which are hollow and provide ample hiding places for the occupants. The lighting is achieved using seventeen super bright white L.E.D.'s mounted into a custom lid. The tataouine-esque feel to the tank has led to the introduction of several star wars characters. An interesting concept, the fish seem to love chewbacca!
45 gallons freshwater fish tank (mostly fish and non-living decorations) - This tank has been filled using hand crafted pieces of pottery which are hollow and provide ample hiding places for the occupants. The moonlight effect has been achieved using seven super bright L.E.D.'s.

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Ranked #1009 out of 5263 freshwater tanks pictures worldwide
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The Average Score for this category is: 4.13

More Info

Country: United Kingdom
Description: 30"x24"x15", this custom made tank houses a series of pottery fixtures which make ideal hiding places for all of the fish. The tank is lit by one of two banks of super bright l.e.d.'s blue or white. The blue lighting gives a brilliant night time, moonlight effect.
Advice: Don't do it!
Fish Kept: 2 x Black Widow 2 x Buenos aires tetras 1 x Clown plec 2 x Dwarf Gourami 4 x Tuxedo Barbs 2 x Yellow Swordtails
Corals/Plants: None
Tank Size: 45 gallons
Quote: Eat less, move more!


This is so cool! fish avatar
YOUR TANK IS HOT!! fish avatar
awesome; wish there were more fish visible! fish avatar
This reminds me of those indian caves in the desert. A very unique design. fish avatar
this is really different!Did you precondition your pots or just throw them in?? fish avatar
This tank takes me back to the star wars cool fish avatar
very cool tank , out of this world, very original .. good luck fish avatar
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