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The Average Score for this category is: 5.59
More Info
60x18x24. lit with 260w/pc. rena xp3 mech filter, red sea pro skimmer 4x maxijet pwr heads 2x195gph 2x295gph. rena 300w heater 6.7 gal refugium with 1.5gph drip inflow
dont get lazy stay on top of your matinence especially water changes
Fish Kept:
coral beauty angelfish, lawn mower blenny, bicolor blenny, bluegreen chromis x11, mandarin dragonet,purple maxima clam,cleaner shrimp x2,brittle star,
sun coral, colt coral, red open brain, green favia, trumpet coral, candycane coral, galaxia, gorgonians, umbrella leather, devils hand leather, green hairy mushrooms, red hairy mushrooms,green stripped mushrooms, red stars,green stars brown stars,crinoids,hammer coral
Tank Size:
112 gallons
it was only ten bucks honest
About Yourself:
i've been keeping fish for 34yrs mostly discus and african chlicids and only got into salt water about 3 yrs ago.