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United States
48"Lx12"Wx18"H 55 Gallon All Glass brand with generic wood grain finish. Lighting is an inexpensive shoplight hood with two 48" Flourescent (1x Life Glo2 1x Aqua Glo) 80watts total full spectrum light with spikes in Red and Green spectrums. Moderately planted with driftwood, rocks, lava rocks, and clay pots.
When trying to grow plants BOTH the amount of light you have and the SPECTRUM of light you have ARE KEY!!!!!! Plants need light in the red spectrum to photosynthesize!!! As well your available light spectrum will have to be specific to your plants and fish! If you have a blue fish but very low blue light from your lights the fish won't shine it's brightest! Keep them fed well, (i feed once a day every morning when i turn on the lights). Filtration and water quality are very very very important! Relax, have patience, enjoy the tank. My tank is several years old and doesn't even look as good as I want it but you can't rush these things
Fish Kept:
30+Kribensis(20+ are 2 month old fry), 12 White cloud minnows, 12 Blue pearl Danios, 2 bettas(blue, regular species), 2 German Blue Rams Longtail, 1 10" Common Pleco
Aponegeton(varied, mostly "fancy"), Blocca, Amazon Sword, Java Fern, Java Moss, Red Wendtii.
Tank Size:
55 gallons
A boy can learn a lot from a dog: obedience, loyalty, and the importance of turning around three times before lying down.
About Yourself:
Started keeping fish in a 29G long tank my stepfather brought home one day. Never looked back. Spent quite a lot over the years, but it's been worth it to me.