Photo #10 - Pseudotropheus Greshakei 'ice Blue'

Pseudotropheus greshakei 'ice blue'
Submitted By: Aqua H2O on
Photo Caption: Pseudotropheus greshakei 'ice blue'

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50 gallons freshwater fish tank (mostly fish and non-living decorations) - My Cichlid Tank Fully Cylced Stocked with 19 Malawi Cichlids (Revised Plants and Background to highlite the Fish and rocks more ...Think it Has done the job. Tried to keep it real by giving the fish lots of caves tunnels hiding spots and dark spots on different levels /depths BUT kept lots of "open water " and "open floor" so they can do their thing
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Rank Info

Ranked #2354 out of 7494 freshwater fish pictures worldwide
This picture looks better than 68.59% of pictures in this category
10 1
The Average Score for this picture is: 4.84
This picture has been rated : 25 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 7.13

More Info

Country: South Africa
Description: Aqua H2O Tigris 66 Bow Front Corner Unit 660sides 700 Deep On Cabinet 3 Stage External Cannister Filter 850l/h 1xAqua Glo 20w White 1 x 15w Blue Alot of Sand Stone Rocks for Habitat few plastic plants Crushed Gravel for Substrate 300Watt Heater
Advice: Just started so what I have learnt so far Research and understand what you are doing It is not just a few fish add water and wallah You are creating a habitat and if done properly will reward you. Plan your set up and go from there Cycle your tank!!! Read sites likes this they are a wealth of info suggestions and ideas
Fish Kept: Mixed Malawi Cichlids (Mbunas mostly males) 19 in total 1 x Pseudotropheus saulosi Males 2 x Melanochromis Johanni 1 x Metriaclima estherae (Red Zebra) 1 x Labidochromis caeruleus (Electric Yellow) 2 x Pseudotropheus OB Morph 1 X Iodotropheus sprengerae (Rusty) 1 X Labidochromis hongi 1 X Labidochromis perlmutt 1 X Labid. caeruleus white 1 X M. cyaneorhabdos (maingano) 1 X P. flavus 1 X Pseudotropheus greshakei 'ice blue' 1 X Pseudotropheus socolofi 1 X Tropheops red cheek 1 X Cynotilapia afra yellow dorsal 1 X P. elongatus Mbenji 1 X Pseudotropheus red top Ndumbi
Corals/Plants: Few Plastic Plants
Tank Size: 50 gallons
Quote: You only get one life SO LIVE IT
About Yourself: Always wanted to get into this hobby so now I have and am completely hooked.


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