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This picture looks better than 26.7% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 4.12
This picture has been rated : 128 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 5.99
More Info
New Zealand
Aqua One 980T
Inbuilt filtration system (1000l / hr)
Eheim 200W heater
2 x air stones
UV purifier
98cm long x 47cm deep x 70cm tall
Flourite black substrate
Stick at it!!
Fish Kept:
1 x Albino bristlenose
2 x Longfinned bristlenose
2 x kuhli loaches
15 x Penguin tetras
1 x Bolivian ram
3 x cardinal tetras (
3 x rummynose tetras
3 x Glass catfish
2 x Oto
Amazonian sword
Dwarf hairgrass (unsure of variety)
Tank Size:
65 gallons