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This picture looks better than 24.11% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 3.26
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The Average Score for this category is: 5.63
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United States
26 gallon bow front, ehiem off the back filter, coralife light 24" 120 watt, stock bulbs. 10 hour lights on. excel florish liquid c02.
If you choose a small tank get a bow front. Makes everything inside seem larger. If you want live plants do some research first. Get the substrate right you cannot change this easily.
Fish Kept:
6 lemon tetras, 1 pearl gourami, 1 flying fox, 1 bristle nose pleco, 5 amano shrimp
water sprite, anubias, hygro, micro sword, vals, crinum x large.
Tank Size:
26 gallons
farts in the bath tub
About Yourself:
I've had a tanks since childhood. Never a planted tank though. I am learning a lot and enjoying it so much. Our dinning room gets much more use now that we have a tank in it. My previous tanks always had aggressive fish in them. This tank is so peaceful and i enjoy it more. No more scared weak fish in the corner looking for a way out!