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This picture looks better than 4.81% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 3.29
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The Average Score for this category is: 2.47
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United States
14 gallon reef tank with coralife single linear stripe 96 watt lighting. i have a hang on the back filter. biocube protein skimmer. 50 watt heater. aqua-tech 175gph water pump and a koralia 1 400gph. shallow sand bed. 20 pounds of live figi rock. 2 aquatech aquarium cooling fans
do lots and lots of research. and take all the advice you can get from experienced hobbyists. keep up with your water changes. don't rush things because nothing comes good out of it. if you are not sure about something always ask questions to a saltwater aquarium forum
Fish Kept:
blue devil damsel
false percula clownfish
magenta dottyback
blood red fire shrimp
green tip hammer coral
green candy cane coral
pink finger leather coral
orange zoas
blue mushrooms
red pimple mushroom
purple torch coral
purple/blue crocea clam
feather culerpa
Tank Size:
14 gallons
About Yourself:
i started having a freshwater aquarium like most hobbyists and than upgraded to a saltwater aquarium. and now i am a addict to reef tanks