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The Average Score for this category is: 5.47
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United Kingdom
I have one tank 4ft x 1.5ft x 1.5ft. Using interpet PF4 ilter and Aqua One 200w heater. Make of the tank is Light Glo, but it is second hand so unsure of model and light details, all new heater and filter.
I also have another tank only 95 litres which I am upgrading to the larger one from.
Take it slowly and monitor the fish and water before adding too many at once!
Fish Kept:
8 x Rummy nose tetras
6 x Cherry barbs
3 x Harlequin Rosboros
3 x Sparkling Gourami
3 x Panda Corydora
3 x Bronze Corydora
3 x Peppered Corydora
1 x Bristlenose Pleco
1 x Angel Fish
1 x Red tailed black shark
2 x Clown Loach
2 x Red dwarf Gourami (male and female)
Not sure of the names of all my plants, I have few Amazon Swords and some Grasses.
Tank Size:
48 gallons
About Yourself:
I started out with a 15 litre tank for my birthday as I find fish so relaxing. Then got the bug for a bigger tank which was the 95 litre, I have now upgraded to my 200 litre.