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This picture looks better than 66.43% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 5.01
This picture has been rated : 307 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 2.33
More Info
6x2.5x2 top tank with a 6x2x2 sump with lots of different brands of lights and globes on top. 3000litre per hour return pump and 1000lpr 1700lpr and 8000lpr wavemakers. Home made stand and cabinet.
Takes a while to get into a ruthenium with salt water tanks so persistence is key.
Fish Kept:
Zebra Moray Eel, Volitan Lionfish, Snowflake Eel, Niger Triggerfish, True Percula Clownfish, Blue Unicorn Tang, Dragon Wrasse, Bullrout Stonefish
Leather coral
7 daisy corals
Hammer coral
Zoanthid coral
Tank Size:
230 gallons
Opinions are like butt holes. Everyone's got one
About Yourself:
Just another bloke .