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United States
I have a glass tank with about 50 pounds of live rock, a Fluval 205 canister filter, metal halide lights and an actinic light I put on for awhile at night, 2 powerheads, and a heater. This is a current picture of my tank, which is about 9 months old.
I do most of my research online, many of the sites that you can buy fish and corals on have the best information on the care of your items. I also read a lot of blogs and chats, especially when I am having a problem. I am not extra careful when I add new things and I don't test my water all that often but I try to vacuum the gravel every time I need to change the water. That way it cleans the sand and empties some water at the same time. I keep all my rocks as far back as possible so that there is plenty of room up front for the fish to display themselves, but I find the corals much more interesting than the fish!
Fish Kept:
Royal Gramma, Longnose Yellow Butterfly, Pink and Blue Spotted Shrimp Goby, 1 Cleaner Shrimp, 1 Peppermint Shrimp, Tiger Tail Sea Cucumber, and numerous snails and hermit crabs.
Bubble Coral, Ultra Blue Mushrooms, Green Striped mushrooms, Green Star Flower Coral, Green Zoos, Green and Red Button Polyps, Birds Nest Coral, Feather Dusters, Leather Toadstool, Green Candy Coral. Frogspawn, Yellow Sponges, Pulsing Xenia, and an Ultra Blue Maxima Clam... Plus a handful of Aiptasias :
Tank Size:
55 gallons
About Yourself:
Started my tank on a summer off from UC Davis.