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This picture looks better than 3.19% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 2.49
This picture has been rated : 131 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 4.13
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United States
55 gal.
whisper AP 300 air pump
whisper 30/60 filtration unit w/carbon& buffer unit
2 aqua clear 50's w/carbon,amoina&buffing units
a big heater im not sure of the brand
it takes time and money. a good investment
make sure you check the pH and nitrates often
frequent water changing is always a plus
gravel sweeping is nesassary with any large tank
any tank that is not appreciated, will not last.
Fish Kept:
11in.& 5in. iridescent/pangasius shark's
9in& 5in bala' shark's
2- 8in.feeder goldfish atleast 5inchs around
9in.&4in male and female algae eaters(catfish style)
3 med.tetra's
7in peacock eel
all fish are measured in length without the back fin..
no live, but tall rock molded bottom fake plants. a huge teracotta pot with many holes
one med.holed log
many orig. rock from beaches with earth toned pebbles
Tank Size:
55 gallons
why not...
About Yourself:
i live with many houses animals, i love them to death.
i spend alot of time with my fish. i have it in a mane room, where it catches eyes all day long. my fish have been with me at least 5 years, and i learn each one's "fish"inality.
i truly enjoy my fish tank and will always own one for the rest of my life.