Photo #1 - This Is My 10 Gallon Reef Tank. I Have About 30 ...

10 gallons reef tank (mostly live coral and fish) - This is my 10 gallon Reef Tank. I have about 30 lbs. of live rock, 80 watt compact light fixture, hang on filter and power head. I have several types of zoas, polythoas, and mushrooms. I also have a Green tip Frog pawn and a hybrid Torch/Frogpawn. I have a pair of Ocellaris clowns, Bicolor Blenny, Pair of Wheeler Watchman Gobies, Pistol Shrimp, and a Cleaner Shrimp.
This is my 10 gallon Reef Tank. I have about 30 lbs. of live rock, 80 watt compact light fixture, hang on filter and power head. I have several types of zoas, polythoas, and mushrooms. I also have a Green tip Frog pawn and a hybrid Torch/Frogpawn. I have a pair of Ocellaris clowns, Bicolor Blenny, Pair of Wheeler Watchman ...
Submitted By: Cedric Kirkman on
Photo Caption: This is my 10 gallon Reef Tank. I have about 30 lbs. of live rock, 80 watt compact light fixture, hang on filter and power head. I have several types of zoas, polythoas, and mushrooms. I also have a Green tip Frog pawn and a hybrid Torch/Frogpawn. I have a pair of Ocellaris clowns, Bicolor Blenny, Pair of Wheeler Watchman Gobies, Pistol Shrimp, and a Cleaner Shrimp.

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More Info

State: South Carolina
Country: United States
Description: This is my 10 gallon reef tank, w/ 80 watts compact light fixture. I have about 30 lbs. of live rock with two Clowns, One Bi-Color Blenny, two Wheeler Watchman Gobies and a Pistol Shrimp. I am using a regular hang on Whisper Filter for filtration. I have several types of Zoas, mushrooms, Frogs Pawn and a Hybrid of a Torch/Frogs Pawn.
Advice: I think everyone should start off slow and have lots of patients. Read up on what you want before starting your new JOB (meaning the tank).
Fish Kept: 2 Ocellaris Clowns 2 Wheeler Watchman Gobies 1 Bicolor Blenny 1 Pistol Shrimp 1 Cleaner Shrimp
Corals/Plants: A variety of Zoanthids and Polythoas 1Green Tip Frogs Pawn 1 Hybrid Torch/Frog Pawn A variety of Mushrooms and Ricordias
Tank Size: 10 gallons


totally amazed! beautiful! fish avatar
WOW! Great Growth! WOW! How many water changes do you do a month? fish avatar
wow. only a 10 gallon!? that gives me hope because i dont have room for a big setup and this one is amazing! fish avatar
The best i've seen so far. Keep up the good job. How's it faring now? fish avatar
This Tank is one of the best i have ever seen on here. The awesome part is that its a 10 gal. thats the best part! WoW! fish avatar
Beautiful!!! fish avatar
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