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The Average Score for this category is: 4.13
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South Africa
My 140 gallon / 550 litre tank (48"x29"x24") with wooden cover and cabinet below for storage. Built-in bio filter with 4 laters of filtration (bio-rock, floss, carbon and floss) in centre back of tank behind the mirrors. 1500 litre per hour filter. 2x 300watt heaters. 1x "pink" bio light, 30watts on timer. 2 bags of pebble stone ground media. Plastic wreck ship (2 pieces on each side of tank).
Go slow, start with a few fish to kick the cycle into gear. Watch the water chemistry.
Fish Kept:
Catfish (7), loaches (2), red parrot (2),
white parrot (1), yellow parrot (2),
jewel parrot (2), clown knife (3), cobalt zebra (1), yellow caeruleus (5), blue ahli (2), blue acei (4), texan (3), deacon (2) frontosa (2), moorei cherry cheek (2), moorei orange flame (2) and kaiser yellow (2).
12 pieces of rock, 8 silk plants and 1 piece of wood.
Tank Size:
140 gallons