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The Average Score for this category is: 5.76
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75 standard, GLO T5 HO fixture, Coralife bulbs, Marineland Hidden LED lights, Fluval 405 external filter, Fluval CO2 20 with 2 extra baskets, ADA Amazon soil for the majority of the tank, and Fluval "fancy jasper" gravel for the ends.
Additional plant supplementation with Premier water conditioner, Seachem Flourish, Flourish Excel, and Flourish Iron,
Patience! Do not overplant
Fish Kept:
Angelfish, Flame Tetra, Black Neon Tetra, Purple Emperor Tetra, False Julii Cory Cat, Otocinclus Catfish, German Blue Ram, Clown Pleco, Mexican Dwarf Crayfish, Ghost Shrimp, (in other tanks--> ) we have dwarf puffer, and assorted small freshwater shrimp
Assorted swords, some moss and grasses
Tank Size:
75 gallons
You can't put that many in there!
About Yourself:
we are two 20-somethings in Calgary Alberta, we stumbled into the fish hobby when we had to give up our red eared sliders to a home with a larger tank =( and we had two leftover comet goldfish, the tank has definitely come a long way