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The Average Score for this category is: 5.76
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United States
-20 gallon tall
-homemade 3D cement background -Eco-Complete (1.5 inches)
-Quikrete Medium Commercial Grade sand (1.5 inches)
-Aquaclear 50 HOB filter, with peat-moss added in the filtration system to bring down my pH
-ViaAqua 100-Watt Quartz Glass heater, set to about 78 F.
-Malaysian drift wood as my centerpiece, with a second piece of smaller driftwood from my LFS
-DIY CO2 injector
I am ultimately designing this tank for German Blue Rams, living along side of Neon and Glowlight Tetras, and Nerite Snails, but I am taking it step by step slowly, as GBR’s are very sensitive to water parameters and I want the tank to be perfect for them.
Take it slow, plan it out.
Fish Kept:
2x Glowlight Tetra, 9x Neon Tetra, 2x German Blue Ram, 2x Sunburst Platy, 2x Nerite Snail
1x Anubias barteri [Anubias]
1x Cryptocoryne undulata [Crypt Undulata]
3x Echinodorus amazonicus [Amazon Sword] (2x tissue cultured)
3x Hygrophila
1x “tub” Eleocharis parvula [Dwarf Hairgrass] (tissue cultured)
Tank Size:
20 gallons