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The Average Score for this category is: 2.47
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United States
This is my first saltwater tank. Has been running for about 4 years now. Started off as a FOLR tank, with 50 lbs of base rock, and very slowly became reef tank. Now, base rock looks better then most premium live rock.
Read, test, read, don't over feed, read, and I do weekly water changing ... DO YOUR RESEARCH
Fish Kept:
Lg. Percula Clown (bought her small... day one of completed cycle)
Med. Sebea Clown (most aggressive of my clowns)
Sm. Yellostrip Maroon Clown (becomes the most aggressive when others get near his green bubble anemane)
Sm. Scooter Blenny (frozen food trainned)
Lg. Spotted Mandarin (also FFT and so fat think he might die of obesity)
Lg. Orange Spotted Goby (this guy is always so cranky)
I know its not a fish but also;
Cleaner Shrimp and Blue Hermit Clab (Coral are secured in its place he does fine in there)
Pulsing Xenia's ( they die, because of anemane, then regrow fast)
Starburst Green Polyp (grows too fast... I trim and frag out to LFS for trades)
Bullseye Mushrooms
3-4 different types of Zoanthus frags that blended and made some nice colors
Tank Size:
30 gallons
syphon easy... pour back slow