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This picture looks better than 76.29% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 4.61
This picture has been rated : 102 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 4.08
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United States
150 Gallon standard glass with custom built hood/stand
Lighting: 2 x 36-48 Marineland double bright LED with R2 Solutions 48" moonlight
Filtration: 1 Magnum 350 pro canister filter, 1 DIY biowheel with hose T for surface agitation, 2 Foster and Smith Bio System 75 Power filters with OXY surface skimmers
Decoration: Underwater Galleries 7 Large Cichlid stones, and 1 x 15 pack assorted Large/Medium/small cichlid stones
2 Large pieces of grapewood, 2 manzanita branches, assorted pieces of driftwood, misc plastic plants, 48" bubble wand, 100lbs of quickcrete playsand, 50lbs of white pool filter sand.
Tank age: 1 1/2 years - 0 losses.
Temp 78, PH 7.8, light cycle, 8 hours
Be patient.
Fish Kept:
Fish: 2 Blood parrots, 2 lemon yellow cichlids, 9 tiger barbs, 4 blue peacock cichlids, 2 red peacock cichlids, 2 firemouths, 1 cobolt blue zebra, 2 sailfin plecos 1 snow white cichlid, 1 bumblebee cichlid, 1 demasoni mbuna.
Tank Size:
150 gallons