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This picture looks better than 92.92% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 6.54
This picture has been rated : 24 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 2.47
More Info
United States
28g bow front, lighting-diy 3x 24w ho t5 w/4 moon lights, aquaclear hob filter with surface skimmer attachment, 2 nano power heads
take your time and lots of reading is a must
Fish Kept:
helfrichi firefish, maine blizzard clowns(platinum variant), pair of warpaint gobies, cleaner shrimp peppermint shrimp fire shrimp grass shrimp
acans 3 kinds 19 colors, clove polyps, ausi platygyra, ausi favid's, ausi open brain, purple duncans,
Tank Size:
28 gallons
About Yourself:
I have been keeping sw tanks for 9 years. I curently have 3 peaceful reef tanks and a 47g column scorpion fish reef tank, and 4 tanks for my clownfish breeding projects, 3 tanks for culturing rotifers,tigger pods,and grass shrimp