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This picture looks better than 89.06% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 6.33
This picture has been rated : 43 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 2.47
More Info
United States
New tank..2 months old?still getting established. Sump/refugium set up?.T5 lights?pretty basic.
Be patient and go slow?.expect to have to give it time and attention regularly
Fish Kept:
Yellow Tang - Hawaii, True Percula Clownfish, Diamond Watchman Goby, Blue/Green Reef Chromis
Green Leather Toad
Pulsing Xenia
Galaxy Star Grass
Tank Size:
90 gallons
About Yourself:
Just been a life long dream and finally got to do one?.so my husband and I decided to start a hobby together. I am a professional photographer and we also own a business that builds commercial and sports Crab Pots.