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This picture looks better than 34.67% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 4.81
This picture has been rated : 382 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 4.23
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United States
65g reef tank, fluval LED coral lighting, current LED moon light, 2 hydor koralia circulation pump 1 smart wave by hydor,1 smart level by hydro,1 heater for external canister by hydor hydor slim-skim Skimmer, 2 fluval canister filter 100g 383 gph each , Fluval G-Series Advanced Filtration System for 80g 185 gph, live sand, live rock,
A lot of patience, research, plan ahead, there is no over filtration.
Fish Kept:
Ocellaris Clownfish, Blue Tang, Blue Damselfish, Yellow Watchman Goby, hermit crabs sniff sand star, nassarius snails, turbo snails, emerald crab, skunk shrimp.
Hamer coral, candy coral. Red and blue mushrooms, Kenya tree and more
Tank Size:
65 gallons