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United States
I have a 60 gallon freshwater tank with a Marineland Penguin 350 filter and an Eheim Jager 150w heater. I have a mixture of sand and gravel, separated by river stones. The driftwood was found on the Maine shore by my husband cleaned and soaked by myself. I also use a mix between real and fake plants.
Don`t give up! And take advice from certain people with a grain of salt. I`ve noticed that asking for advice from people on certain sites will always yield some know-it-all telling you in a condescending way that you`re doing it all wrong. Don`t let those people discourage you.
Fish Kept:
Silver Zebra Angel, Black Kuhlii Loach, Cardinal Tetra, Rainbow Shark, Dalmatian Molly, Gold Dust Molly
I have a mix of fake and real plants. The real plants are all the Amazon Sword Plant
Tank Size:
60 gallons
That`s what she said.
About Yourself:
I stumbled upon this hobby while trying to find my daughters a "low-maintenance" pet. After the lovely (ha) people at the chain pet store convinced me 10gallons was more than enough for four (yes FOUR) goldfish, I brought the neon clown puke gravel home, along with the neon-colored fake plants and Sponge-Bob decorations. Once I started researching, I realized I had gotten it all wrong, and an obsession began.