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This picture looks better than 41.76% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 4.97
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The Average Score for this category is: 4.91
More Info
South Africa
Corner unit with standard sump and filtration, 90cm deep with black oak finish and removable canopy. One 150W 14K Metal halide with two 15W actinics. standard protein skimmer, pump and heating system, and also electric auto feeder.
RESEARCH!!! Its always better to know something and ask alot of questions... This way your bulls#it alarm will sound if anyone leads you down the wrong path as I have been on occasion...
Fish Kept:
Valentini puffer, reef fish, red dwarf lobster, humbugs x 2 common clown, tamato clown, yellow angel, pixie hawk fish, cowrie and some snails.
various bits salvaged at low tide, few anemones, finger leather, hammer coral, bubble coral
Tank Size:
88 gallons
I'll have the fish!
About Yourself:
Started out with a general trip to the petshop to maybe buy my young son a goldfish to stick in a bowl for him to watch and be entertained with. Did that and when I went back 2 weeks later for supplies I chose a different shop that just happened to have a very large marine section... Later that week I took delivery of the tank and its been salt everything since...