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The Average Score for this category is: 7.13
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United States
i now have 2 55 gallons a 20 gallon and a ten gallon they all have biowheels and hang on the back filters.and sponge filters they all now have driftwood in them and digital thermomiters.they all have two submersible heaters in them a piece.
i keep freshwater discus.my advice for newbies would be the bigger discus you could buy the better as the smaller ones tend to get stressed easy.and their immune systems can not adapt as well
Fish Kept:
13 discus
soon to get some
Tank Size:
55 gallons
you get what you pay for
About Yourself:
i got in to this hobby because i really enjoy the discus..it was love at first sight.just to watch how gentile and graceful they swim.it truly is a sight to see