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The Average Score for this category is: 4.13
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United States
I have been into fish for a few years. I havea couple of 10 gallons and one 44 gallon. The 44 is not that great to look at at this time due to the last marrage i was in but i am working to get the tank looking better in the future. The 10 gallon african cichlid tank is my favroite and then my 10 gallon fry tank with 26 molly fry.
Get what you want but make sure you have the money for it.
Fish Kept:
mollys (most common types),
electric yellow,angel fish, hermit crabs, blue lobsters, bamboo shrimp, ill add the rest later.
just started dabbling into plants, so far i have some moss and an african spearhead.
Tank Size:
44 gallons
just get it done.