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This picture looks better than 43.7% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 5.01
This picture has been rated : 236 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 5.00
More Info
Vision 180 bow front, Tunze 9002 skimmer, UV sterilizer, Hydor powerhead.
Research... and remind yourself to take it slower... if in doubt think about it.
Fish Kept:
1 Yellow Tang 1 Pacific Blue Tang, 2 Yellow Tail Blue Damsels, a pair of clowns, hawkfish, 2 blood shimp, 4 Blue legged hermits, 3 Turbo Snails and a sea hare (love the sea hare)
Mushroom Coral, Candy cane coral, button polyps (came from live rock), leather coral
Tank Size:
47 gallons