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The Average Score for this category is: 4.08
More Info
90 G
Rena XP3 filter, Whisper 60 Bubbler, Coral life HO Dual T5's 10,000 K and Atinic bluls. Rio 1000 powerhead running 2 undergravel jets.
Lights and Powerhead are on a 9 Hr timer.
Don't be afraid to spend money on GOOD equipment, if you cheap out now, it'll cost you later.
it's easier to maintain a healthy tank than it is to try and fix an unhealthy tank.
Water changes are key. I do 25% weekly, that way it doesn't become a chore. I clean the filter every 6 weeks.
TONNES of online resources to be found. Join a forum and learn from others.
Fish Kept:
Electric yellows, Nimbochromis Venustus, Red Shoulder peacocks, HAP SP. 44s, Red Top Ice Blues.
Tank Size:
90 gallons
Fill it up AGAIN!
About Yourself:
I'm a Tool & Die maker still making it in Windsor ON. 7 years and still going with the same company.
Got into this hobby because of a 30 G tank my bro-in-law gave me. I used to get chirped from my buddies about my 'Cichlids', but now they come over and stare at my tank for hours on end.