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United States
Bowfront design is the only way to go. My substrate is 100 lb. of off white sand, this was enough to make a very deep bed. I have a lot of artificial plants for the color but there are a 3 live plants mixed in, nice rocks and false coral made a great mix. Fluval filter. My favorite though is the iPhone bubble maker, yes it is a real one!
Take your time, and have fun. But try to plan ahead to save time and money. But ultimately changes are going to happen and that is part of the fun but you can keep the costs down by spending the time planning. And take advantage of sites like craigslist, to allow you to save money and at the same time allow you to probably get a nicer set up than you would if you went to your local fish store.
Fish Kept:
1 Ghost Knife Fish
1 Blood Parrot Ciclid (be careful withs ciclids, but this species seems to mesh well.)
1 Clown Loach
1 Botia Loach
3 Opaline Gouramis
1 Red Dwarf Gourami
3 Giant Danios
1 Glass Fish
1 Plecostomus
1 Orange Platty
3 live plants
Tank Size:
55 gallons
Have Fun