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The Average Score for this category is: 4.08
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United States
The local water supply has high nitrates so I can't get them lower than 20 ppm without using RO water.
In the upper right corner that ugly piece of sponge is to prevent curious fish from swimming into the overflow. The trickle filter has 5 gallons of bioballs and the sump is a standard 10 gallon tank.
I haven't had any problems with aggression, but it is hard to get food down to the Bichir because the Cichlids gobble it all up so quickly.
My Syno rarely comes out from hiding, even during feeding time, I'm hoping he will become less shy as he gets more used to his new home.
General Information
Filtration - Emperor 400 w/ Biowheels & Trickle Filter
Air Pump - Powerhead w/ Venturi in sump
Heater - 250w Submersible in sump
Lighting - 3 ft. 20w fluorescent
Substrate - Black Gravel 10 lbs.
Rocks - Tufa stone & Chocolate Slate
Background - Blue Holographic Plastic
Plants - Fake Plants
Feeding - Once daily mix of Spirunila, Brine Shrimp, & Cichlid Pellets
Other - Random Coral tidbits for buffer
Cycle your tank before stocking it.
Fish Kept:
2 Pseudotropheus socolofi
2 Pseudotropheus lombardoi
2 Melanochromis johanni
2 Pseudotropheus estherae
1 Melanochromis chipokae
1 Labidochromis caeruleus
1 Synodontis eupterus
1 Polypterus senegalus
Fake Plants
Tank Size:
47 gallons
"Quaere Verum"
About Yourself:
I've been keeping fish for a while, and I've also worked at pet stores.