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This picture looks better than 39.21% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 3.96
This picture has been rated : 28 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 7.01
More Info
United States
24 Gallon AQUAPOD COMPLETE SETUP__30+ pounds of Fiji Live Rock__Nano Protein Skimmer__Carribean Live Sand__150 Watt Heater__1/15 HP Current Brand Water Chiller
Don't buy fish without knowing the compatibilitys. Make sure your fish are REEF SAFE. Use Distilled water if you don't want to use Tap Water.
Fish Kept:
Variety of Damsels include, 1 False Clown, 2 Yellow Tail Blues, 1 Humbug Dascyllus (Striped Damsel), 1 Black Tail Dascyllus (Striped Also), 1 Three Spot Dascyllus (Domino Damsel), 1 Talbot Demoiselle, 1 Chromis Retrofasciata.... 2 Pajama Cardinals, 1 Serpent Star, 1 Sand Sifting Sea Star, 1 Lawnmower Goby, 3 Scarlett Hermit Crabs, 2 Emerald Crabs, 5 Turbo Snails, 1 Coral Banded Shrimp (Boxer Shrimp)
1 Green Striped Mushroom, 1 Fiji Leather, 1 Mustard Poly, 1 Corralimorphs, 1 Ricordea, 1 Hawaiian Feather Duster (worm)
Tank Size:
24 gallons
I love Sea Food...?
About Yourself:
I am 25 years old and only 3 months into the Hobby. I love my tank, I can stare at it for hours every day...