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This picture looks better than 63.2% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 5.25
This picture has been rated : 186 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 5.23
More Info
United States
90 Gallon Demensions 48X18X24 High Output T5 Deep Blue lighting. Single Overflow, Megaflow 110 Gallon Sump Heating Fluval Digital Thermostat Heater
Take your time, do your research
Fish Kept:
Red Turquoise Discus, Blue Diamond Discus, Botia Loach, Marble Veil Angel, Black Veil Angel, Neon Tetra, Gold Barb, Whiptail Catfish
amazon swords, Ludwiga, ozalot sword, Wisteria, Spiralis
Tank Size:
93 gallons
About Yourself:
I've had a fish tank all my life and started my first tank during science class in 8th grade. My longest running tank was a reef for 10 years and it was lost in the October storm that hit the northeast in 2011. Now I have this planted tank I am displaying. My occupation is in management.