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The Average Score for this category is: 4.07
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New York
United States
This is my new 80gallon bow front. I'm pretty much just starting out with it. I have a homemade red stone concrete background, 2 Emperor 400's, Visi-therm submersible 300W heater, Coralife Aqualight Double Compact Fluorescent Strip with 2 21" Coralife 65 watt Actinic &
2 21" Current Sunpaq 65 watt 6700/10,000°K duel daylight bulbs. Nightblue rope lights under the hood for moonlight effect, and Tahitian Moon sand substrate.
Learn as much as you can from people who know what they are talking about before you jump in to this hobby. It's a lot of fun but requires some time and effort.
Fish Kept:
8 Zebra Danios, 8 Fancy Guppies (mix of Lemon and Blue Cobras), 9 Cardinal Neon Tetra, 3 Albino Bristlenose Plecos, 5 Lyretail Mollys (2 black males, 3 black females, 5 Angels, 9 Rummynose Tetras
White Reef rock and Rainbow rock. Fake Dragon Flame, Colorama grass, Octopus plant, and 2 Advenitious Sword plants. Also have a few tall background plants and some plastic fry hideouts tucked inside the background. The driftwood is real... Java moss and a few Amazon and Java ferns coming soon.
Tank Size:
80 gallons
About Yourself:
I'm an aquarium newb! I love to scubadive and play paintball.