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Planted community tank. Lighting is 2 x Hagen Life Glo T8 20w and 1 x Dennerle Amazon Day T5 28w , 68w total lit for 8 hours a day. The Amazon Day is a great bulb, highly recommend for plants and gives a lovely white light. CO2 is pressurised (far better than DIY or any yeast type CO2) plus 1ml daily of liquid carbon additive. Substrate is plain gravel with nutriballs inserted at 4" intervals. Weekly fertilizing with Tropica Aquacare, nitrates and phosphate.
Think things through. This is my first planted tank and is a bit of a mess as I rushed into it. Gradually getting there though. Also, if you intend to grow live plants some form of CO2 or carbon additive is a must. Don't even attempt to grow demanding plants without one or both of them as you won't get very far. If you can stretch your budget to pressurised CO2 then do so - although my plants grew well with DIY CO2 I had terrible staghorn algae problems as my lighting was too high for the lower CO2 content that DIY CO2 tends to provide. Switching to the more controlable pressurised CO2 diffusion completely solved this. It is well worth the investment and I would NEVER go back.
Fish Kept:
Harlequins, Neon Rainbows, Glowlight and Neon Tetras, Otos, Corys and pair of Blue Rams.
Amazon Swords, Alternanthera, Ludwigia, Hygrophila, various crypts, Ambulia, Rotala, Hydrocotyle.
Tank Size:
29 gallons
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