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New York
United States
125 gallon CO2 injested, Lighting is staged. 2 hours of 3 watts per gallon then 6 hours of 5 watts per gallon then 2 hours of 3 watts per gallon, then moonlights.
2 Aqua Clear 70" 1 H.O.T. magnum
I make my own ferts using CSM+B KNO3 and Potasium sulfate. Substrate is Eco Complete.
I do water changes every 7 days. I add plantex every thir day and KNO3 as needed at water changes I ad Potasium sulfate so that my NPK ratio is 15-1-20.
Take your time, don't rush anything and enjoy.
Also reseach as much as you can. The internet has a wealth of information. Always quarantine your fish.
Fish Kept:
I have three tanks. 1 30 gallon long. This is my Cichled tank also has Kuhli loaches and SAE's and Oto's.
40 gallon tank 5 watts per gallon CO2 injected. Fish are Rummynose tetras, Long fin Danios, Harliquins, Botiea striatas, Oto's 1 bristlenose and SAE's
126 gallon 5 watts per gallon Co2 inchested. Fis are Boseman Rainbows, Goyder river rainbows, Long fin zebra danios, YoYo loaches and tow Bristlenos Plecos. 1 quarantine tank that I keep cycled all the time with MTS.
Crypts. java and lace fern, tropical sunset ludwigia red mellon swords amozon swords hair grass chain swords and a lot of new plants that will be hear later.
Tank Size:
125 gallons
Enjoy what you have, not what you want