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This picture looks better than 1.23% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 2.13
This picture has been rated : 47 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 6.01
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New Jersey
United States
46 Gallon Bow Frt, Odyssea 4 canister filter, Penguin Bio wheel 350, 9 watt U.V sterilizer, 200 watt Jager heater. I use only R/O water.
The best advice I can give to any new hobbyists are to do your water changes and do not get lazy!
The cleaner your tank the healthier your fish. I do water changes weekly and monthly filter maintenance and my fish could not be happier!!
Fish Kept:
I only have 1 black Angel, Platies & Mollies that have babies every other month. 2 Algae eaters and 2 bottom feeders.
All plants are silk, nothing live.
Tank Size:
46 gallons
Only the strong survive !!!
About Yourself:
I am a cancer survior, this hobby has been a life saver!!! It is so relaxing and peaceful. I have come to appreciate the most out of life. I can only suggest if you take pride in anything you do, this hobby is most satisfying. The average person who see's your work are almost alway's in amazement, and want to start the fish craze themselves.